Why Buy WhiteBitcoin? - WhiteBitcoin.io
Over the past decade, WhiteBitcoin (WBTC) has become one of the most popular altcoins: developers around the world have continually adapted to better meet customer needs as a global payment system and have a strong and stable market. . . But is WhiteBitcoin necessary because Bitcoin dominates more than 60% of the cryptocurrency market? Why buy WhiteBitcoin? In order for a cryptocurrency to compete globally with traditional payment methods, it must process transactions quickly and efficiently, regardless of network traffic. One of the main disadvantages of Bitcoin is its scalability or, more generally, the speed of transaction approval; the more operations there are at once, the slower the system can "process" them. With a lot of blockchain network traffic, transaction costs tend to increase and delays can increase tenfold. While credit cards such as Visa have an average speed of about 1,700 transactions per second (TPS), up to 65,000 TPS, Bitcoin has a final speed of jus...